South Korea underwear brand what color choose more than what color underwear choose more people

Korean people will dress, it is recognized, but underwear it? What kind of underwear do Koreans like to choose? Ashita underwear to tell you, Ashita underwear is a Korean version of the underwear brand to young, stylish, high quality, parity-based, what color underwear more people choose, then the color is certainly very wild, Today Xiaobian To introduce two wild colors.


One is black, black is that we all know this color, whether black or underwear or clothing, shoes, etc., are mostly black line, wild black shoes, underwear black is also wild, Ash Traces black seamless underwear style , Black underwear suit style with a white shirt lower body casual mix of sexy and simple.

韩国内衣品牌什么颜色选的多 内衣什么颜色选的人多

Wine red, red wine is said to choose more people in the fall and winter seasons, but the wine red Xiaobian think you can try it, red wine is even more sexy than the red Oh, Ashita underwear recommended wine red traceless underwear style , No traceless underwire underwear is now very popular, but also on the chest better. Quickly pick it up.

Children's Wear

Shaoxing Yingcheng Textile Co.,Ltd ,

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