Five money-saving "business tricks" for business gifts

[China Gift Network News] China is a state of etiquette, gift giving is a must for many people, but how to give gifts can save the province and can play the purpose of courtesy? China Gift Network ( http:// ) recommends a few tricks to give money to everyone:
First, the discount reserve method

When shopping malls often engage in activities, when encountering some brand discounts, especially men's and women's bags, perfumes, cosmetics, exquisite ornaments, etc., these things will not be out of date within a year, when the discount is purchased, when appropriate, the quality, quality With the same guarantee, the money does not cost much.
Zhang Ming once went shopping, saw a girlfriend like a brand of Kun Bao, there is a price of 890, because there are only two, the current price of 260 yuan, he did not hesitate to buy two, one to send a girlfriend, another After two months, as a birthday present to the female boss, the joy of the two is self-evident. The key to this move is to choose authentic brand new products, and must not buy fake and shoddy. (Remind you MM, you can't use this method to make excuses for buying things yourself!)
Second, it is the remote shopping method
Traveling in the field, I have the heart to choose what is cheap and good in the local area and bring back something that is rare in the local area. It will be strange and interesting to send anyone. It is best not to be food, first because of the shelf life, and second, specialty foods generally have a eating environment to reflect their characteristics. For example, Zhouzhuang's three-legged elbows, it is really not that taste to take it back. The fish and shrimps along the coast are usually dry goods, everywhere. Li Yue went to Yunnan for a business trip. She saw children's costumes and various accessories in the vicinity of Shilin. She spent less than 150 yuan, bought four sets of children's clothes, and came back to dress up a few children's children. The friends also praised her for her heart. The key to this move is to have a deeper understanding of the characteristics of the business trip.
Third, it is a different method
When some people have to give gifts, people often can't leave the tobacco and tea, and those who send them to the recipients can't remember who sent them. Today, when the product is extremely rich, in order for the person to be honored to remember you, the gift must have its own characteristics. Yang Hua’s boss moved, what is it to send? Valuables are not dare to send, there are suspects of bribery, ordinary things are afraid of others, he thinks of some literati temperament, so he spent more than 100 yuan to buy a set of Chinese classical light music dishes, did not expect the leadership in no one's time I often patted his shoulder and said: I listened to the music you sent when I was tired! The key to this trick is to understand the hobby of the recipient.
Fourth, it is unintentional
For those who are not very familiar with it, if you want to let the other person deepen their impression of you, in addition to eating, if you can communicate with the other party through some unexpected means, you should be able to do more with less. Zhao Fei’s company has just been established and wants to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with a private enterprise. Since private enterprises do not understand them, cooperation can not be deepened. The company’s CEOs say that the cost of spending more is also to be discussed. Zhao Fei learned that the boss of the company was a woman, and she met the Women's Day on March 8th. So she applied to the company for 3,000 yuan to buy the beauty card of the best beauty salon in the city, as a holiday gift to the boss, and accompanied the boss to do After the beauty and many exchanges, the private enterprise boss finally got a comprehensive understanding of the company and began substantive cooperation. In today's service is also a product, the delivery of appropriate services is often long-term, interactive features, many of these services can be achieved with cards. Of course, the key to this move is to determine what is unexpected based on the actual situation.
Five, four for two pounds
This move is mainly used in some major occasions. When the "heavy hand" gift is given, the general amount is more than four or five digits. The money is too vulgar, not sent or not. Choose a gift that is worth a lot of money, and there is room for appreciation, enough weight, enough grade, and at the same time, it is much less than cash. Such items are generally gold, silver, antiques, collectibles, and the like. A customer of Sun Xiao brought a lot of benefits to the company, but the customer itself is not short of money. The Spring Festival is approaching. In order to maintain the relationship and enhance the relationship, the company's purchase amount for Sun Xiao is 100,000 yuan. Sun Xiao found a friend who knows how to use it. He bought an antique with 30,000 yuan and gave it to the customer together with the certificate of identification. The customer and the company are very satisfied with Xiaosun. The key to this move is to have to eat the value of the gift and buy it at the right time.

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