XIRAN Heeran Women's 2017 Spring New Product Order Successfully Closed

On July 18th, Imagine a seed flying in the sky - the new 2017 spring launch conference and ordering meeting of the Emerging Spring Festival was successfully concluded with the support and efforts of all the family members.

On July 18th, Imagine a seed flying in the sky - the new 2017 spring launch conference and ordering meeting of the Emerging Spring Festival was successfully concluded with the support and efforts of all the family members.

On July 18th, Imagine a seed flying in the sky - the new 2017 spring launch conference and ordering meeting of the Emerging Spring Festival was successfully concluded with the support and efforts of all the family members.

About "spring" and "seeds"

How would you imagine

Sowing and hope?

Get out of the ground and wait for it?

Is it natural beauty or the charm of life?

If it is a seed that will fly?

Let's go together

Heely 2017 Spring Seed Lab Look

There are countless seeds in nature

Every one is pregnant with hope

When the seeds are cultivated

When the seeds start to sprout

Life becomes colorful

Can stimulate a little life

Curiosity about nature, awe of life

It is the most wonderful charm of life

And let every family member and guest be on the scene

Feel fresh, fun, wonderful, happy

It’s our great motivation to instill our hearts every time

Reunion in wonderful time and space

Talk to the heart, especially warm

With a quarter of effort

Change your family and friends at once

Refreshing and elegant art strokes

The stage background with Jane Filer's paintings echoes

Thanks for family and friends

Accompanied and witnessed every growth

With a few days of dedication

Together for the goals and dreams of the coming spring, work hard

Celebrate every time you grow and share it with every family member

Thanks for the hard work and support of the family

Floating light, exciting moments, moving screens

Thanks to you, everyone in the family!

Plastic headbands

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