India raises cotton minimum purchase price without hope of cotton farmers or continue demonstrations

The Indian government has basically rejected the farmers' request for raising the minimum purchase price of cotton this year. Cotton farmers are dissatisfied with this and may continue to speak to the government through such actions as demonstrations and demonstrations.

It is understood that in the recent elections in various parts of India, the opposition party has sought to increase the minimum purchase price of seed cotton in order to gain more support from farmers. The MSGGMFL of Maharashtra had previously called for raising the minimum purchase price for seed cotton in 2011/12 from Rs. 3,000/bm for the previous year to Rs. 6,000/c.

The minimum purchase price for seed cotton implemented in 2010/11 in India is: a minimum purchase price of 2500 rupees per 100 kg for a length of 24.5-25.5 mm and a micronaire value of 4.3-5.1; a length of 29.5-30.5 mm for micron The minimum purchase price for cotton between 4.3-5.1 is Rs 3,000 per 100 kg. (According to the exchange rate between the rupee and the *** at the time of 1:0.1503, equivalent to the purchase price of 3.75 and 4.5 yuan/kg, respectively).

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